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Combination of Story and Gameplay...

The story takes place aeons ago in a world almost untouched by humans. Only weathered ruins remind of a civilization even older than the tribes themselves. While the game proceeds, a history of slavery, war and liberation is revealed.

Knowing only little about the history of Atlantis, the players gather hints of what has been before the times of peace and harmony. Getting to know what happened centuries ago, they will be able to anticipate the forthcoming events. The old Atlantean masters are about to return and to claim their old property, the entire land and its people.

The main goal of the Atlantis campaign is to involve the player in the game step by step. Starting at a point where only little knowledge about the world is required he or she will gradually get to know the background, the possibilities and dangers of Atlantis.

Another important feature is the flexible unit system. Each unit may develop numerous skills and abilities according to where it is trained and what orders it receives. Depending on the events it has participated in, an individual “history” is created for every single unit. As each unit can be told apart from any other one, it is easy for the player to relate to them. The heroes and workers who are at the player’s command will be more than just another dispensable resource like wood, iron or gold.

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